Friday, October 30, 2020

Driving After an Accident – What You Need to Know

There’s a lot of discussion about whether people who have been in vehicular accidents should drive after that or not. It depends on how fit you are for driving. One speculation is that people who have been in accidents shouldn’t drive because it might hurt their accident claim.

It would only hurt your personal injury claim if your insurance company deems you unfit to drive and if you have put yourself in jeopardy or worsened your injuries because of what you did.

Many people find themselves suffering from invisible injuries such as anxiety when they find themselves on the road for the first time after an accident. This anxiety could make you unfit for driving and could put you at risk of suffering from another accident. Your insurance company could use that against you. 

Another consideration is your physical capacity. You need to get clearance from your doctor stating that you can now drive. Driving requires a person to be in good physical condition. Your injuries could slow down your response, which will put you at risk of another accident. Your insurance company will take that into consideration.

Don’t drive unless you have completely recovered physically and mentally. You should get your doctor’s approval first and put that into writing to make sure that it won’t affect your claim.

If you experience problems with your claim, make sure you hire a personal injury law firm in Vancouver to help you. Work with an experienced personal injury law firm in Vancouver such as Lakes, Whyte LLP.

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