Tuesday, August 29, 2017

How Your Social Media Account Can Get You Fired

Social media is no longer just a tool to connect with people you haven’t seen in a long time. To many people, social media has become a platform for them to release their pent-up anger. That might seem harmless when talking about the bad driver you came across with or the bad customer service you got at a restaurant but it definitely has some weight when sharing information about your work place. It can get you fired. 

Even without actively trying to check on their employees’ social media accounts, many employers still get ahold of information about employees bad mouthing them on social media from other sources. However, not all social media posts can be a ground for termination.
People have a right to gripe about their work privately. But when is griping crossing the line? It’s actually when you are putting harm to your company, sharing pertinent information that has no place on your private social media wall and when you are attacking people in your work place that it becomes possible for you to be terminated.
Employers can seek the help of Employment Lawyers in Vancouver to determine whether the termination is valid. Because if they terminate the employee and he/she files a lawsuit, the employer can be at a disadvantage. Employees can also seek the help of employment lawyers in Vancouver such as Lakes, Whyte LLP if they feel like they have been wrongfully terminated over a social media post that does not really harm the company. A consultation should happen to determine what your rights are, what you are entitled to and if they are worth pursuing.


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