Monday, July 29, 2019

Planning for Incapacity – What You Can Do

It’s not pleasant to think about a future where you might be unable to do the things you wish to do when it comes to your assets and finances. But it’s a possibility, so it’s important to plan for it.

When it comes to planning for incapacity, there are two types of documents you can go for. They are Enduring Powers of Attorney and Representation Agreements. These documents essentially appoint someone else to make decisions on your finances, health care and personal needs on your behalf. 

The Ministry of Attorney General has previously published standard forms that the public can use to plan for incapacitation. People can opt to use these forms. But if you choose to make your own, it is important that the contents comply with the stipulations of the legislation. Additionally, the standard forms are called standard for a reason. They might not apply to all situations, so if you have special or unique needs, consulting a lawyer experienced in wills in Vancouver may be the best course of action. 

Another option when it comes to incapacity planning is to make advance directives. This is a written instruction or a document that details made by the testator of wills in Vancouver providing consent to another adult when it comes to making decisions on health care. 

The best thing to do if you are planning for incapacity is to assess your future needs. Talk to a lawyer from Lakes, Whyte LLP, so you can effectively plan for incapacitation and make sure you have all grounds covered.

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