Tuesday, December 24, 2019

4 Mistakes to Avoid When Handling a Litigation Case for Your Business

A litigation case does not have to be a time-consuming and difficult process. If you know what to do and you employ the right litigation strategies with the help of litigation lawyers in Vancouver, you can avoid most of the issues that arise from this problem.
Check out these mistakes and make sure you avoid them as much as you can:
  1. Letting emotions cloud your judgment
It’s easy to let your emotions cloud your judgment when dealing with a litigation case. This is true especially when you are working with a litigation case for the first time. But keep things business-like and it will work much easier for you.
  1. Not addressing the problem early on
Take all lawsuits as a real and pressing issue, even if you think you are only dealing with a minor case. The sooner you can have the matter investigated, the better.
  1. Not using the services of litigation lawyers in Vancouver
Litigation lawyers from Lakes, Whyte LLP can help you minimize the consequences of a lawsuit such as expensive litigation. They can help you formulate a strategy that will prevent damage to your business and avoid obstructions to your operations.
  1. Not being actively involved with the process
Find out everything that is happening with the litigation case, so you can provide documents and proofs that others might miss. If you are the one who knows your operations better, you can help make the case go faster.
Find a litigation lawyer that has ample experience with cases like yours.
To know more about Business Lawyers Vancouver please visit our website: lakeswhyte.com

Monday, December 23, 2019

Are You Entitled to a Bonus After Being Fired? What You Need to Know

So you have been fired and you have been compensated what you are due. But what about the bonuses you are anticipating? If you haven’t been fired so suddenly, you might have been able to receive them.
Many companies provide bonuses as a means to compensate and motivate employees to reach quotas. But whether or not you are entitled to a bonus after being fired will depend on a number of things.
  1. You might be entitled to receive a bonus if it is an indispensable part of your overall compensation or was promised as a part of your benefits packages upon signing up for the company
For instance, if you agreed to a smaller salary but higher bonuses based on performance, it can be argued that you still needed to obtain your bonus even after being fired provided that you have met the performance asked of you.
  1. If other employees received their bonus
If the bonus is provided to all employees and not just when the company decides to provide a bonus, you might be entitled to one.
  1. If there are strict rules in the contract that say you can’t get a bonus once you are out of the company, you might not be able to pursue it anymore
Check your contract if there are clauses there that will stipulate when and when you can’t get a bonus. 
The best thing to do is to seek the advice of a Vancouver employment lawyer. Find out from an employment lawyer in Vancouver such as Lakes, Whyte LLP if you are still entitled to a bonus.
To know more about Personal Injury Law Firm Vancouver please visit our website: lakeswhyte.com

Thursday, November 21, 2019

3 Ways a Business Lawyer Can Reduce Stress in Your Operations

As a business owner, you should be aware of various legal pitfalls that your business can experience. Many of these legal problems are preventable if you safeguard your business from them. One way to do that is to get the services of business lawyers in Vancouver.
If you haven’t consulted business lawyers in Vancouver yet for your operations, you might want to do so now. Here are the ways a business lawyer from Lakes, Whyte LLP can ease up some of the stress of your operations:
  1. You can get legal advice
It is not uncommon for business owners to have legal questions as they start and operate their business. Make sure you do everything right – from the registration of your business down to obtaining the right permits.
  1. A lawyer can help you in drafting contracts
If you do business with other entities, a contract is important. You need to put important agreements into writing to avoid disputes later on. And when it comes to drafting contracts, hiring business lawyers in Vancouver is a must.
  1. A lawyer can help in dispute resolution
If you get legal advice early, you can avoid disputes. You can employ strategies that will help in minimizing the chances of disputes. But once disputes are there or another person or business sued your company, you can also get the help of lawyers to resolve disputes. 
Dispute resolutions tend to be costly and time-consuming if you don’t know what to do. But with the help of lawyers, you can mitigate the costs.
To know more about Injury Lawyer Vancouver please visit our website: lakeswhyte.com

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Is Suing Your Employer Worth the Time?

A lawsuit does not guarantee that you will win. Even if you win, it doesn’t guarantee that the court will award you with the compensation you are expecting. But there are also instances when it is worth pursuing.
You Have Been Compensated Unfairly
As an employee, it should be clear how much you are entitled to from your company. It should be indicated in your contract what your compensation is and if you are entitled to bonuses and incentives. If these are not met, you can file a lawsuit against your company.
You Have Been Discriminated
Today, there are laws that protect employees against discrimination in the workplace. It is no longer just gender discrimination. You can also get protection from age, disability, marital status, and religion discrimination. For instance, if you are discriminated and prohibited to work because you got married or you have kids, that can be construed as discrimination.
You Have Experienced Harassment in the Workplace
It doesn’t just cover sexual harassment or verbal harassment that came from the employer. If other people in the workplace harassed you and your company did not do anything, you can file a lawsuit.
You Have Been Wrongfully Dismissed
Wrongful dismissal is when you have been dismissed without due cause and without notice. If your company did not compensate you fairly after you have been dismissed, you can also file a lawsuit.
If these things happened to you, you can get the help of an employment lawyer in Vancouver. Look for an employment lawyer in Vancouver such as Lakes, Whyte LLP who can help you in filing a lawsuit.
To know more about Lawyers in Vancouver please visit our website: lakeswhyte.com

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Is Hiring a Real Estate Lawyer Necessary?

Buying real estate is a sensitive task that requires a lot of legalities. You will be transferring a property that costs thousands or millions of dollars. Since you are dealing with an expensive property, perhaps the biggest investment you will make in your life, make sure it is done right. It isn’t unheard of for people to lose money because of a failed real estate transaction. There have been instances when people have lost their down payment or earnest money because the property was not clean. 

This is where real estate lawyers in Vancouver come in. All the legal aspects of the real estate transaction will be handled by lawyers in Vancouver. The role of a lawyer during this process can start with advising and guiding clients on what to do. They can help you avoid critical mistakes that could cause you to lose your money. 

With the expertise of real estate lawyers, you will be advised on whether a property you are attempting to buy does not come with issues. if it does, you will know beforehand and before you sign any agreement or contract. 

Hiring real state lawyers is necessary no matter what size of property you are buying. It is even more important when buying bigger properties such as in the case of commercial properties or when buying properties for development. Commercial properties often come with some risk. Minimize that risk by getting the advice of a real estate lawyer beforehand.

Your lawyer can work together with your real estate agent to make the process as fail-proof as possible.

To know more about employment lawyer in Vancouver please visit our website: lakeswhyte.com

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

3 Employer Mistakes That Put Them in Danger of Employment Lawsuits

Employers should protect their business from the dangers of a lawsuit. But it’s not just how you deal with clients and business partners you need to worry about. You also need to protect your business from employment lawsuits. Previous employees can end up filing a lawsuit against your company if they are not treated well. 

Here are the mistakes you should avoid if you want to sidestep employment lawsuits: 

1. Not making a fail-proof employment contract. 

An employment contract is a vital part of your operations. This is where you itemize the working relationship and put into words what your role is as an employer. Not having one or having one that does not cover all grounds can make your business vulnerable to lawsuits.

When drafting an employment contract, have it checked by an employment lawyer in Vancouver first. Make sure the contents of the contract are fair. 

2. Having unfair policies when it comes to job scope and compensation.

You would want to avoid discrimination and special treatments. Follow the laws and your company’s regulations when it comes to work scope, work hours rendered and compensation. 

3. Failure to document everything. 

Everything must be put into writing and should have their corresponding documents. Are you promoting an employee? Change the employment contract to detail the new work scope and duties of the employee. Are you providing new benefits? Make sure this is also stated.

Review your employment contract as well. If you are letting new employees in, you will probably need to have a new contract drafted, especially if your current one is already a few years old. Get the help of an employment lawyer in Vancouver. You can also turn to an employment lawyer in Vancouver such as Lakes, Whyte LLP if you are dealing with an employment lawsuit.

To know more about personal injury law firm in Vancouver please visit our website: lakeswhyte.com

Monday, September 30, 2019

Minimizing Litigation Risks When Firing an Employee – What You Need to Know

Terminating an employee’s contract is not always easy. However, there are cases when it is a necessary action. But for every employee that you suddenly fire, you increase your litigation risks. There is a possibility that the irate employee will file an unjust termination case.
That is what you should avoid. Here are the things you should do:
  1. Understand and execute the laws when it comes to termination of employees
Is the employee entitled to a severance pay? There are different rules when it comes to severance pays for every province. It depends on company policies but most employees who are under the employment of a company for three consecutive months can get severance pay. If there is a just cause for the termination or the employee leaves on his/her own, he/she might not be entitled to a severance pay.
  1. Provide a reason for termination
Is the employee under performing? Has the employee violated company rules? Make sure you indicate a reason for the termination and provide enough information to validate the decision of the company. It also helps to give enough chances for the employee to correct their mistakes before completely terminating his/her contract.
  1. Give enough notice
Older employees who are close to retiring and employees who have been in your company for a long time are the ones who are entitled to a notice.
If you are being sued for unjust termination, you can get the help of litigation lawyers in Vancouver. With the help of litigation lawyers in Vancouver such as Lakes, Whyte LLP, you will be able to determine if you have any liability and create a plan to avoid spending a lot of money on the litigation case.
To know more about Vancouver Law Firms please visit our website: lakeswhyte.com

3 Reasons Why Naming Multiple Executors for Your Will is a Good Idea

Choosing an executor for your will is an important decision you have to make. The executor should be someone you trust and someone who has the right skills needed in executing your will in the future. But many people think that they should only name one executor.
However, there are actually some instances when naming multiple executors is a good idea. Here are some of the reasons why this might be a good option for you:
  1. It distributes the load
Being a sole executor of an estate is hard. There are a lot of duties to fill and tasks to do. If the executor also has other duties such as a full-time job or he/she is someone who goes away on travels frequently, the person might not have enough time to perform the duties needed from an executor. With a co-executor, some of these roles and tasks can be filled.
  1. Specialized tasks can be delegated

If you want to name a child as an executor to your assets and finances, for instance, but that child does not know everything about your assets, particularly when it comes to your business, you can name someone else to execute this part of the will. 
  1. It encourages responsibility and honesty
There have been instances when the executor run away with the money from the estate or have used the money from the estate for personal use. With a co-executor, this can be avoided as they can hold each other accountable.
Aside from a trusted friend or relative, you can also choose to appoint an estate lawyer in Vancouver as an executor. What is great about an estate lawyer in Vancouver such as Lakes, Whyte LLP is that a lawyer already knows the ins and outs of estate law, which will make it easier to execute a will.
To know more about Employment Lawyer Vancouver please visit our website: lakeswhyte.com

Friday, August 30, 2019

3 Legal Things You Should First Do Before Officially Starting Your Business

The legalities of starting a business is often overlooked by small and budding business owners. But it is these legalities that often sink businesses later once they have grown into something bigger. This is why before officially starting your business, you should first iron out these common legal pitfalls: 

1. Make a contract for everything. 

Make a contract for your suppliers. Make a contract for your employees. Make a contract for all business transactions. For every small or major deals with other people, there should be a contract. You don’t want to just take their word for it, put it in writing so that if something goes wrong with the deal, the responsible party can be held liable.

2. Make a separate account for your business. 

You don’t want to mix your personal account with your business account. In case your business goes under, your personal banking account won’t be affected. This also makes it easier to keep track of your business’ expenses as well as the incoming money.

3. Get intellectual property right.

Apply for an intellectual property right for your products. If you have an innovative product that is the first of its kind, getting an intellectual property right or getting a trademark for it is important. You don’t want other people to steal the idea behind your product and make a profit from it. 

When it comes to business law, get the help of business lawyers in Vancouver. You would want to consult business lawyers in Vancouver such as Lakes, Whyte LLP first in order to safeguard your business from legal pitfalls. 

To know more about Employment Lawyer Vancouver please visit our website: lakeswhyte.com

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Do You Always Have to Yield to Pedestrians?

The answer is no. While some people might think pedestrians always have the right of way, this isn’t true in all cases. Pedestrians also have a duty or a responsibility to ensure their safety. 

Traffic Light 

If there are roads governed by traffic lights, both the pedestrian and the motorist should follow the sign. If the lights indicate a stop, the motorist should stop and let pedestrians pass. If it indicates “go”, pedestrians must wait until it is safe to cross the road. 

Without Traffic Lights 

If there are no traffic lights to indicate who should pass, motorists should yield to pedestrians who are already in the path of the motorist. Slow down or come to a full stop. 

Generally, motorists have the right of way in an intersection, whether it is marked or unmarked. Pedestrians should also not leave the sidewalk and run straight into the pathway of an oncoming vehicle when it is considered a hazard.
If you are, however, a victim of a pedestrian accident where a vehicle struck you even when you have the right to cross, know that you have rights. It’s important to know how you can get compensated for your losses, so you can recover without worrying about your expenses. 

A personal injury law firm in Vancouver can help seek compensation. If you plan on filing a lawsuit, it’s also better to consult a personal injury law firm in Vancouver such as Lakes, Whyte LLP to find out what is the best thing you can do. 

To know more about Litigation Lawyers Vancouver please visit our website: lakeswhyte.com

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

What to Consider Before Signing an Employment Contract

Congratulations on being offered an employment opportunity. But before you sign that contract, make sure you read it thoroughly and carefully first to make sure that you are not agreeing to terms that can be disadvantageous to you in the future. 

Watch out for red flags that can indicate potential problems in the future. Here are some of the things you should look for in the contract: 

1. Your job description

The contract should include what your job description is or what your role is in the company. This will prevent the company from letting you do tasks that are not within your area of expertise and not what you signed up for and use that against you.

2. Basic employment rights 

It should stipulate basic things such as how many hours of work you will render in a week, the minimum wage, how many vacation and sick days you are getting and what the rules are regarding severance. 

3. Learn more about employment equity and discrimination in the workplace.

The Employment Equity Act aims to protect women, the minorities, aboriginal people and disabled people from suffering from discrimination in the workplace. Find out what the company’s stand and policies are when it comes to these discrimination issues. 

If you think your company is treating you unfairly, don’t hesitate to get the help of an employment lawyer in Vancouver. If you have been terminated illegally or you have experienced discrimination in the workplace, a Vancouver employment lawyer from law firms like Lakes, Whyte LLP can help you out. 

To know more about Vancouver law firms please visit our website: lakeswhyte.com

Monday, July 29, 2019

Planning for Incapacity – What You Can Do

It’s not pleasant to think about a future where you might be unable to do the things you wish to do when it comes to your assets and finances. But it’s a possibility, so it’s important to plan for it.

When it comes to planning for incapacity, there are two types of documents you can go for. They are Enduring Powers of Attorney and Representation Agreements. These documents essentially appoint someone else to make decisions on your finances, health care and personal needs on your behalf. 

The Ministry of Attorney General has previously published standard forms that the public can use to plan for incapacitation. People can opt to use these forms. But if you choose to make your own, it is important that the contents comply with the stipulations of the legislation. Additionally, the standard forms are called standard for a reason. They might not apply to all situations, so if you have special or unique needs, consulting a lawyer experienced in wills in Vancouver may be the best course of action. 

Another option when it comes to incapacity planning is to make advance directives. This is a written instruction or a document that details made by the testator of wills in Vancouver providing consent to another adult when it comes to making decisions on health care. 

The best thing to do if you are planning for incapacity is to assess your future needs. Talk to a lawyer from Lakes, Whyte LLP, so you can effectively plan for incapacitation and make sure you have all grounds covered.

To know more about business lawyers Vancouver please visit our website: lakeswhyte.com

Monday, July 1, 2019

3 Things You Can Do to Beat the One-Year Failure Mark

They said more than 50% of businesses fail even before they reach their first anniversary. Only 25% of those who make it to their first anniversary make it up to their 15th year. This can be due to a lot of factors such as lack of planning, not doing a comprehensive market research, not choosing the right location and not keeping up with the trends.
If you want to beat the one-year failure mark that usually plagues businesses, here are the things you can do:
  1. Consult lawyers in Vancouver
There are many things business lawyers in Vancouver BC such as Lakes, Whyte LLP can help you with. They can help you organize your business model, to make taxation easier later. They can also help you out with contracts and many other legalities. By protecting your business from these legal disputes, you can prolong your business operations.
  1. Know your target market
Don’t wade into any business without understanding who your target market is and what you can do to reach them. Just knowing your target market helps you determine what marketing strategies you can employ. Of course, you need people to patronize your business.
  1. Hone your marketing and customer service skills
Once you have everything in place, the next thing to do is to market your products and services. Tap into digital advertising and increase your online visibility. Customers are also more likely to do business with you again if you have good customer service skills.
Use these strategies in order to grow your business successfully.
To know more about Injury lawyer in Vancouver please visit our website: lakeswhyte.com

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Role of a Business Lawyer to the Success of Your Business

Not all small business owners retain the services of Vancouver law firms at the beginning of their operations or right when they are starting out. Most would probably think to retain the services of law firms in Vancouver later in their operations or once they have grown substantially. But this is where legal problems often arise.

There are specific legal pitfalls that a lawyer from Lakes, Whyte LLP can save you from. Here are some of them: 

1. A lawyer can help you create a good employment contract. 

Too often companies get in a dispute with their employees because of regulations that are not in the employment contract or vague terms in the contract. It helps to be more specific in your company rules and in providing information on employee roles in order to avoid disputes in the future, especially one that involves money.

2. You can avoid costly litigation with the help of a lawyer. 

One way to avoid getting in costly litigation with clients and business partners is by having all contracts read and studied by your lawyer. You can avoid getting in agreements that might have loopholes and clauses that could put you at a disadvantage in the future. 

3. You can rely on your lawyer to help you organize your business model. 

It is not uncommon for business owners to make the mistake of registering their business incorrectly. Choosing the right and the most applicable business model can help you a lot in organizing your business methods. 

If you plan on growing your company, work with lawyers such as Lakes, Whyte LLP in order to minimize your company’s legal risks.

To know more about lawyers Vancouver please visit our website: lakeswhyte.com

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

How to Get the Real Value of Your Personal Injury Insurance Claim

Just because you filed for an insurance claim after an accident doesn’t mean your insurance company will give you the real value of your claim. In fact, their first offer is most likely going to be a low-ball offer. You can use these tips instead to ensure that you get the real value of your claim:
   1. Know how much your personal injury insurance claim is worth.
If you don’t know how much your personal injury claim is worth, how are you going to know your insurance company isn’t giving you a fair offer? It is important to assess your injuries and losses first. Aside from the costs of your medical treatments and supplementary therapies, you should also assess your invisible injuries. Depression and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder require treatments as well.
Consider how much wage you have lost and will continue to lose because of the injuries and what its implications are to your ability to provide care for your family.
  2. Provide concrete evidences of the extent of your injuries and losses.
The next thing to do is provide all evidences that will prove the extent of your injuries. Give evidences of your injuries including medical records and photos.
  3. Retain the services of the best Vancouver law firms experienced in personal injury cases.
Make sure you get the help of Law firms in Vancouver when filing for a claim. Law firms like Lakes, Whyte LLP will help negotiate your claim, so you will be able to get a fair compensation.
These are the things that you can do to increase your chances of getting the real value of your claim.
To know more about Estate Lawyer in Vancouver please visit our website: lakeswhyte.com

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

3 Will-Making Mistakes You Can Avoid with the Help of a Lawyer

Making a will is a complicated process. Those DIY will kits you can find online will not cut it. Since we all have different situations, different needs and different preferences, it is imperative that you create a will based on your own unique situation.

When you make a will with the help of lawyers in North Vancouver, you avoid doing the following common will-making mistakes:

1. Forgetting to include important assets and properties. 

Making an inventory or accounting of all your assets and properties is important. You need to cover all bases when it comes to making a will, so you can prevent the will from getting into probate as much as possible.

2. Changing some parts of the will without learning more about its repercussions. 

If you add concessions or clauses but this contradicts the other parts of the will, that can cause confusion later during the execution of the will. A lawyer can help you in adding clauses to the will without affecting it as a whole. 

3. Not taking tax implications into consideration.

Not preparing for tax implications could be disastrous. If you want to maximize how much money your surviving family members will get, you need to plan how to minimize taxes. That can include putting some assets through trust or giving some away as gifts.

Lawyers in North Vancouver such as Lakes, Whyte LLP will also make sure that you will be able to follow estate law properly, find the right beneficiaries and include all properties in order to prevent your will from going into probate.

To know more about business lawyers Vancouver please visit our website: lakeswhyte.com

Monday, February 25, 2019

What to Do If Someone Sues Your Business

All business owners should prepare themselves for a lawsuit. Even if you take precautionary measures to ensure that will happen, something could happen that will put you in that position. If this happens to you, here are the things you need to do:

1. Consult lawyers in North Vancouver experienced in litigation cases.

Never contact the plaintiff directly. You should consult Lawyers in North Vancouver such a Lakes, Whyte LLP first to review your case and discuss what needs to be done. You might not even have a case at all and your lawyer can advice you accordingly on what to do.

2. Let your insurance company know.

If you have a business insurance, find out first if it covers litigation cases. File for a claim after letting your insurance company know of the lawsuit. Your insurance company will take care of some of the costs of the litigation case.

3. Come up with a strategy on how to mitigate the lawsuit.

You and your lawyer should create a strategy on how to best avoid a court battle. Once a plan is made, let your lawyer act on your behalf. From negotiating with the other party to preparing the necessary documents such as gathering evidences to support your case, your lawyer can help you out.

Choose a law firm experienced in dealing with business litigation cases. With law firms such as Lakes, Whyte LLP, you can get the best service and be guided on what to do in the event of business lawsuits.

To know more about Litigation Lawyers Vancouver please visit our website: lakeswhyte.com

Thursday, January 24, 2019

How Business Litigation Lawyers Can Help You If You’ve Been Served

A lawsuit doesn’t have to be the end of your business. If you work with the right litigation lawyers such as Lakes, Whyte LLP, the damage to your business can be mitigated.

Here are other ways business litigation lawyers can help you out:

1. Litigation lawyers in Vancouver can help in minimizing damages to your company.

A lawsuit can be bad for your business’ reputation. A lawyer can help you negotiate with the other party, in order to prevent news of the lawsuit from getting out. An agreement can be arranged, so that the matter will not be leaked to the press.

2. You can rely on litigation lawyers in Vancouver to negotiate with the other party before the matter goes to court.

The best thing to do is avoid a court battle. And when it comes to that, you need the help of litigation lawyers to settle things out of court. Lawyers can talk to the other party on your behalf, so you can still resume with your business operations and your daily tasks.

3. You can reduce the costs of litigation with legal help.

Litigation can be a costly process. A litigation lawyer will help you determine a reasonable cost to compensate the other party or even find evidences that will support your case.

Look for a lawyer experienced in litigation cases, particularly business. The sooner you can solve the problem with the help of a lawyer, the better. You can start focusing on your business once again and use your resources in it.

To know more about Employment Law in North Vancouver please visit our website: lakeswhyte.com

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

First Time Home Buying Jitters – How to Alleviate the Anxiety

Buying a home can bring about high levels of anxiety. You are parting with a lot of money – money you might have saved for a long time, so it’s normal to feel anxious. Questions like “Am I buying the right house?”, “Is it too expensive for me?” might cross your mind.

To avoid being crippled with anxiety when buying a house, here are the things you need to keep in mind:

1. Stick within your budget.

Know how much you can really afford to buy. In this case, getting a mortgage pre-approval is your best bet. Find a house that is within your price range while making sure the house offers all the features you want.

2. Do a lot of research about the property before agreeing to buy.

Find out if there have been crimes in the area. Go online and research about the costs of properties in that neighborhood. Find out if there are developments that are scheduled in that area. That can affect your buying decision as these things can also affect how you will live in that area.

3. Consult the experts.

A lot of people don’t consult Real Estate Lawyers in North Vancouver first when buying a property. Only when they have already signed a contract and found out there are problems with the properties that they seek the help of real estate lawyers in North Vancouver like Lakes, Whyte LLP. Getting the help of real estate experts can help you uncover hidden issues with the property that might affect the buying process.

Do these tips when buying a property in order to avoid the usual home buying jitters.

To know more about Lawyers in North Vancouver please visit our website: lakeswhyte.com
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